
在一所文理学院,你将有机会从 所有学科. This is extremely beneficial, because in the United States 这门课程非常强调培养多种技能,为你将来的职业生涯做好准备 分析和批判的思想家,在你选择的领域成功和公民领袖.

Undergraduate students are classified in the following way:

  • 一年级的学生被叫来 新生
  • Second year students are called 二年级的学生
  • Third year students are called 初中
  • Fourth year students are called 老年人


九州娱乐官网,教学质量是非常重要的,而且只有教师 会员(具有博士学位).D. or Master Degrees) teach the 课程. 的re are no teaching assistants 填补教授的空缺. Only the Foreign Language laboratory classes are taught 由母语为英语的语言助理来帮助你进一步发展 your skills in any particular language. You might even becoming as a language assistant!

的 method of instruction for you classes varies. 你的 课程 will be in the form of lectures from the professor, laboratory sessions, and discussion classes. 你的 输入是非常重要的,每个教授都希望你分享想法和思考 and/or comments with the rest of the class. For students who feel that their skills 需要改进的是,有一个同伴辅导项目,学生是成对的 with another student who can help solve the problems at hand. 有关如何 to request a peer tutor, please contact the 学术技能办公室 at 410-778-7883 or via email at (电子邮件保护).


During the semester your professors will evaluate your academic abilities. 这可以 你可以通过写论文、参加考试、做演讲或其他方法来完成 the professor deems appropriate.

论文是九州娱乐官网最常见的考试形式 本科生涯你会为你的课程写不同数量的论文 将会采取. When you are writing your paper, you are expected to research your 主题,除非另有说明,并以编辑良好的格式呈现 精致的格式. 的 写作中心 你的最好的资源是找出什么是一篇编辑良好的论文吗 特定的纪律.

因为在九州娱乐官网,写作是非常重要的,如果你是一名新生的话 or sophomore you are required to fulfill the writing obligation. 这包括 several sessions with the staff in our 写作中心. 工作人员会读你的作品, comment on it, and help you improve your writing skills. 每个学生都会被分配 一个写作指导老师,他或她将在整个学期中与他或她一起工作. 所有想让专家对论文进行校对和评论的学生 are more than welcomed to make appointments with the 写作中心, located on the first floor of Goldstein Hall.

考试的形式可以是小测验(最简单的形式),课堂考试(参加考试) 在课堂上考试),在家考试(在那里你会得到考试和期望 在截止日期前交给你的教授),开卷考试(学生 can consult their textbooks during the actual test). Other forms of evaluation include 课堂项目,家庭作业,课堂参与/出勤和表演(如果你 是音乐或戏剧专业的学生吗?. Class participation and attendance often times constitutes 占期末成绩的10-15%. Make sure you understand your professors’ class attendance 参与政策.

为了从九州娱乐官网毕业,你必须写一篇论文 is a comprehensive paper on a subject related to your major. 一个顾问,谁会 成为你所选择的研究领域的教授,将在整个过程中指导你.


九州娱乐官网使用以下字母等级,除了F,可能是 modified by a minus or a plus:

  • 一个优秀的
  • C公平
  • D通过
  • F失败

的 following system is used to determine a student’s grade point average:

  • A+/A = 4.00                                      C = 2.00
  • A- = 3.67                                             C- = 1.67
  • B+ = 3.33                                           D+ = 1.33
  • B = 3.00                                             D = 1.00
  • B- = 2.67                                             D- = 0.67
  • C+ = 2.33                                           F = 0.00

Other notations used on student records include:

  • 女:退课
  • P: Pass, in 课程 where the student uses the pass/fail option
  • 我:不完整
  • 盟:审计
  • 克雷格:信贷
  • NC:没有信用
  • 接待员:取代

你需要有一个2.0 GPA (Grade Point Average) or above to maintain good academic 站. If your GPA falls below that, you will be put on academic probation. If you are not satisfied with you grade, talk to your professor first. 可能会有 改进方法. However, as a general rule, professors will not change a grade unless there are extenuating circumstances that merit a grade change. 如果在谈话之后 对你的教授,你仍然觉得你的成绩不能反映你的学习质量 work, please contact the Dean of the College.


Every professor has expectations of you; these expectations will be outlined in the syllabus that you will receive at the beginning of each course. 一般来说, 所有课程都要求出勤、课堂参与和做笔记.

的 syllabus should also contain:

  • 课程大纲
  • 考试日期(有时会更改,但会提前通知你)
  • 的 deadlines for your papers and projects (they rarely change)
  • 你的教授的办公地点和办公时间(鼓励你填写) appointments with them and discuss your work or ask questions)
  • 的 breakdown of how your assignments will be graded.
  • 本课程所需的课本(书籍、文章)(请务必购买 正确版)


Before you arrive, you will be assigned an academic adviser. 这将是一个成员 他们会在迎新课程中与你见面并帮助你制定计划 changes to your course schedule for the upcoming semester. 四年国际 students will work with a dean from the 教务长办公室 until they are assigned an advisor within their major.

顾问非常乐意与你讨论与你有关的一般性问题,比如 as college life, choosing a major or your future career. 请不要犹豫 contact them if you have questions or concerns.

每学期有两个辅导日,你需要预约 与你的指导老师讨论你的课程进度、课程安排和其他问题 问题或关注.

Adding and/or Dropping Courses

You must complete a form available at the 注册处 删除或添加一个类.  If for some reason the course you want is closed, and you 想要添加它,你必须先获得导师的签名,然后是讲师的签名 signature on your add/drop slip. Once you have permission to add the course, take the slip to the 注册处. On the other hand, if you are not satisfied with a course, you have to obtain your advisor’s signature to drop the course. 在那之后, your course schedule will be adjusted. You can add or drop a class within the first two weeks of classes at the start of each semester. 的re is a deadline for dropping 或者添加类. You can either obtain the drop/add date by checking the academic calendar, by contacting the 注册处 or your academic advisor. 还记得 每学期不能少于12学分或超过24学分.


如果你认为你所选的课程对你来说太难了,截止日期 for dropping the class has passed, you may opt for pass/fail. 如果你接到一个传球 课程结束时的成绩(至少C),你的成绩单会显示 你通过了这门课. 的 letter grade you received will not appear on it. 否则, your report will indicate that you failed the course.  对于学生来说 在九州娱乐官网获得学位,请参阅课程目录了解管理规则 how many and when you can take course pass/fail.


九州娱乐官网的荣誉守则是这样写的:“我们在九州娱乐官网 努力维持一个学习和成长蓬勃发展的环境,通过个人的 endeavors and honest intellectual exchanges both in and out of the classroom. 维护 在这样的环境下,社区的每个成员都承诺尊重这些想法 他人的存在和财产. Thus, each member of the 九州娱乐官网 community 遵守荣誉守则.”

大多数教授会要求你写《九州娱乐官网》,并签署你的 在你的作业和考试上写上你的名字,以表明你遵守了荣誉守则. 你可以用两种方式在任务上书写荣誉守则,都需要你的签名:

  1. 荣誉准则
  2. “在完成这项任务时,我遵守了九州娱乐官网的荣誉守则.”

任何违反荣誉准则的行为(学术或社会)都将被带到荣誉面前 董事会是一个由学生和教职员工组成的机构,他们将决定对学生的处罚, 如果你被发现违规. Make sure to review the honor code to ensure you understand 你所遵守的标准.


九州娱乐官网社区将抄袭定义为“未经授权使用他人的” 知识产权,包括:在线出版的材料和学生,员工或 faculty documents on desktops, hard drives, disks or web pages.“剽窃和学术 学校非常重视诚信,如果你被发现有违规行为, 你将面临不及格和/或被带到荣誉委员会的危险. If you are unsure of whether you are plagiarizing or not, ask your professor.