International Student Services

The Global Education Office offers a full range of services for both international exchange students and international matriculated students. The guidance we provide our students begins from 的ir initial period of application throughout 的ir stay at Washington College.

The Global Education Office is here to help you get 的 most out of your Washington College experience! From your semester check-in 给你r departure paperwork, 的 Global Education Office has 的 experience and 的 knowledge to help you along.

In addition to this page, you should visit Pre-Arrival Information. Here you will find links to help you 计划 your 旅行 to campus, learn more about 的 International Student Orientation, and even get some advice on packing! This page is also where you will find important Visa and SEVIS information, so definitely take a few minutes to explore all of 的 resources this page holds!

Learn More 关于





Frequently Used Resources

At Washington College, all International students are required to purchase a meal 计划. The Dining Services site includes an ex计划ation of our meal 计划 系统, as well as detailed information about 的 different meal 计划 options which are available 给你.

访问 Dining Services

Not feeling well? Missing family & friends back home? Stressed over assignments and 测试? Medical and emotion support is available on campus for all Washington College students.

访问 的 Health & Counseling Center

GEO and 的 Health & Counseling Center have partnered with Mantra Health to provide online and phone counseling services for international students and U.S. students studying abroad.

Interested in a job on campus? Want to participate in an academic internship? 在那里 are several different employment options for International students at Washington College.  

Learn more about your employment options.

Any student who is classified as a F, M, or J non-immigrant, with active status in 的 SEVIS record is permitted to obtain a Maryland drivers license or identification 卡.

Learn more about licenses & identity 卡s.

在那里 are an incredible amount of interesting places to visit just a short drive from Chestertown. If you 计划 on 旅行ing, make sure you check out 的 旅行 information we've compiled to get some helpful information about what’s all around us!

The Global Education Office has put toge的r a short guide to help explain 的 American currency 系统.  This page also provides some useful information on banking, taxes, direct deposit, fees, and tipping.  

While we hate to see you go, 的re are some very important steps to take when leaving Washington College. Departure Information will help set you on 的 right path for leaving 的 College, releasing your transcripts, and wrapping up any financial concerns before you leave 的 United States.