
Student Opportunities

The Center for Environment & Society creates meaningful opportunities that provide graduate level and real world, hands on experiences to our students.

2024 Summer Internship Applications OPEN Applications close on February 15th

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2024 Spring CES Student Scholarship & Travel Award  Applications close on February 28th

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         2024 E&S Fellows for Upperclassmen         Applications close on March 8th

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CES Internships

The Center for Environment & Society creates meaningful internship experiences and job opportunities for Washington College undergraduates. These opportunities provide graduate level and real world, hands on, experiences to students.

过去,CES为对校园可持续发展感兴趣的学生提供实习机会, climate action, coastal ecosystems, conservation, ecology, and archaeology. Some of the regular and ongoing CES positions include:

  • Bird Banding Intern at the Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory
  • Grasslands Summer Research Intern
  • Natural Lands Project Intern
  • Social Media Intern
  • CES Program Support Intern

For full descriptions of summer 2024 internships, please click here.

Partnership Internships

CES努力与其他组织合作,提供广泛的实习机会 across a wide range of disciplines. In the past, CES has collaborated with Echo Hill 户外学校,角点实验室,切萨皮克湾基金会,海岸河流,苏丹 项目,切萨皮克湾海事博物馆,东海岸土地保护协会,国家 Aquarium, and Friends of Eastern Neck

External Partnership Internships for Summer 2024 include:

  • Adkins Arboretum
  • Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge
  • Carlisle Academy Integrative Therapy & Sports
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • ShoreRivers
  • Eastern Shore Land Conservancy
  • Trash Free Maryland

For full descriptions of summer 2024 internships, please click here.

NOAA Summer 2024 Internship Partnership Program (Center for Career Development)

Freshman Orientation Explore! 

Just confirmed your acceptance to Washington College?  The college has some great explore orientation opportunities for incoming freshman. Why not learn more about the Center for Environment & Society by participating in one of our awesome trips?

To learn which trips are led by CES staff, please contact us at environment_so[email protected]


Chesapeake Semester

Through the Chesapeake Semester, CES provides students with hands on opportunities and vast networking that sets them up for successful internships and careers. The Chesapeake Semester engages a 选择一组12名学生进行16学分的北美跨学科研究 largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay. Participants study the complex history, ecology, 和切萨皮克的文化作为所面临的挑战和转变的缩影 coastal communities around the world.


Scholarships & Fellowships

Environment & Society Fellows

Each year, the Center for Environment & Society offers select admitted students the opportunity to apply to the Environment & Society Fellows program prior to enrollment. 这些学生必须表现出对他们的学术和兴趣的承诺 in the world's diverse environments and the people that live in them.

Benefits of the Environment & Society Fellows program include: 

  • Renewable yearly scholarship of $3,000
  • Priority consideration for CES-sponsored internships
  • 优先考虑切萨皮克学期计划,让我们的学生走出校门 of the classroom and onto the Chesapeake Bay for a full semester of fieldwork
  • Professional development opportunities including speakers, workshops, and service learning.
  • Fun social activities like kayaking, birding, camping, and pizza nights.

在每个学年的春季学期,目前入学的学生将有 the opportunity to apply to become E&S Fellows.  While the scholarship is not available to these students, all other benefits of being an E&S Fellow are open and available to students who apply in the spring.

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Ornithology Scholarship

有观鸟者、野生动物爱好者或自然资源保护者经验的被录取学生 are encouraged to apply for the Ornithology Scholarship. Students who receive the 鸟类学奖学金将包含在所有CES研究员的机会中,包括 优先考虑CES实习和切萨皮克学期的申请 program.

1500美元的学费奖学金将提供给三名学生,每年更新一次 for four years.

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Eastern Shore Society Scholarship

来自马里兰州东海岸或东海岸遗产的被录取的学生 interested in a major in environmental science or studies are encouraged to apply for the Eastern Shore Society Scholarship. 获得东海岸奖学金的学生将被包括在所有CES研究员中 机会包括优先申请CES实习和 the Chesapeake Semester program.

将向三名学生提供3000美元的学费奖学金,每年更新一次 for four years. Additionally, the chosen scholarship recipient will receive a one-time grant of $2,000 to offset the cost of the Chesapeake Semester.

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Student Scholarship & Travel Awards

The Center for Environment and Society (CES) is offering student awardS资助独立学习体验,培养 创新的理解方法 人与环境的相互作用 并寻求 找到可持续的环境解决方案 problems. 

The awards will support the following: 

  • Scholarship in the form of research, creative endeavors, or projects.
  • Travel to present completed work or to attend networking events.

Funding is available to all majors and class years and must be used to fund projects that are independent of required coursework.  CES will fund a maximum of $1,000 per proposal. All proposals must be supported by a faculty 或学院的工作人员,需要一份支持声明,上限为 2 projects per advisor.

For more information, please the application can be found here. Project submissions are due February 28.


Please reach out to CES Deputy Director Beth Choate ([email protected]) if you have any questions about the fund. 


High School Conferences

Young Environmental Stewards' Conference

青年环境管家会议旨在向您介绍这种魔力 of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Led by staff at the Center for Environment & Society (CES),这个为期四天的会议包括皮划艇,野生动物栖息地保护工作, underwater exploration and more  all while living on our beautiful campus! The Chester River is a tributary of our beloved Chesapeake Bay and is one of Chestertown's most important resources. At the 青年环境管家会议,你将有机会参加 并与其他志同道合的学生一起探索独特的当地环境. 



Avian Conservation and Ecology Program

Have you wondered what that red bird is in your yard? Do you know the birds at your feeders, but want to learn more about them? Do you wonder if you're the only teen around who likes nature? We have just the program for you. Washington College's Center for Environment & Society is pleased to announce the Avian Conservation and Ecology Summer Program for 2022. You will join a group of rising 10th-12th graders to explore regional habitats from marshes to grasslands to forests. We will discover the birds that call these habitats home, consider the threats to 每个生态系统,并与生物学家和专业研究人员讨论如何最好地 conserve them. Our guest lecturers will also discuss career options relating to birds and wildlife. 


地理空间发现会议是一个互动和动态的亲身体验 具有广泛的开箱即用的活动和技术,用于探索 world. Led by staff at the Washington College Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 计划,这个为期四天的会议给与会者一个实用的介绍 连接卫星、无人机、数据分析师、移动应用程序和网站的系统 in modern life. Take part in a college classroom experience and participate in experiential learning activities designed to take you outdoors. Faculty and staff will guide lessons 关于图像以及无人机和卫星如何在不同的维度上运用这些概念. 通过一个46英尺的研究报告来体验遥感的力量 看看沉船残骸是如何被发现的,即使完全被埋在里面 mud. Learn to create your own spatial data using mobile applications. Build out your 有使用先进数据可视化工具嵌入地图、应用程序的经验 and multimedia data into an online story! You will see GIS technology used in environmental research, historical and cultural discoveries, crime analysis and mapping. Spend time 在我们的GIS实验室和我们的本科生实习生一起工作,看到他们发挥他们的技能 in action to tackle real world problems. Discover the adventure of geospatial technologies at work outdoors, in the classroom, and in your life!


Virtual Young Environmental Stewards Converence

第三届年度青年环境管理会议:虚拟版将挑战 你会发现你称之为家的地方:“谁”与你分享户外空间, 你的“社区”有多生态健康,你能做些什么来成为#环境影响者? 

Spend the week exploring the connections between you and your place. Each morning session will prepare you for an outdoor connection. You will still have an opportunity 通过这次会议“进入现场”,而不是探索乔治·华盛顿的会议 backyard and the Chester River, you'll explore your own! This experience will take 你离开电脑屏幕,到你的邻居那里去练习数据收集, 观察当地的树木和鸟类,探索环境正义的概念,并把 stewardship into action. 

How will you do all this? Included in the $250.00 cost of the conference, you will 提前几周准备一个材料包和一本日记,以方便你的经历 the conference begins.


Grasslands Research

Hannah McCarthy '23, 他是环境研究专业的学生,是三个学习繁殖生物学的学生之一 在河边和田野校园的实验草地上的野麻雀 past summer. These students are investigating whether older more experienced sparrows make “better” parents than first time breeders. Summer field experiences like these 让学生收集实际数据用于科学分析,培养技能 that will serve them well should they pursue a career in field biology.


Migration Monitoring

Sara Canas ’23, a double major in Biology and Environmental Science, is a part of the Eirik A. T. Blom Internship program, in which student interns assist in monitoring spring and fall migrations at WC's Foreman's Branch Bird Observatory (FBBO). There, 学生们在联邦政府许可的指导下学习识别和处理野生鸟类 staff, untangling birds from mist nets, measuring birds, and recording data. Interns 深入了解鸟类绑带数据的用途,这些数据收集的用途不仅限于 在FBBO,也在美国地质勘探局的鸟类标记实验室,在那里可以获得数据 to all researchers.


Bird-Safe Glass Testing

Libby Witham, 23岁,生物学和环境科学双学位,在 CES' Bird-Safe Glass Testing Program. In partnership with American Bird Conservancy, WC为美国鸟类保护协会(American Bird Conservancy)运营着一个官方测试网站 两个隧道的设计,以批准产品将减少玻璃碰撞,一个领先的 cause of bird death worldwide. In just the first season, the College ran over 2,500 并将关键数据发回美国广播公司,帮助获得了10架新飞机的批准 bird-friendly glass designs, which are in use by manufacturers in the U.S. and around the world.